Native Vegetation and Biodiversity Offsets

Native vegetation or biodiversity offsets describes a mechanism to compensate for the losses of native flora and fauna habitat due to development. Offsets may also be referred to as environmental offsets. To compensate for these losses, offsets may be a condition of a permit to develop land under state or Commonwealth legislation and can be a significant expense for developers.

Our experienced team develop offset strategies that are proactive and support your desired project outcomes. Where possible we aim to find cost and time savings, and at all times, minimise risks to ensure your project's success.

Planning a Development

For proposed developments that require the removal, lopping or destruction of native vegetation, discussing your project with an experienced ecologist during the planning stages can be highly beneficial and cost saving. Identifying possible offset obligations early on allows time to modify plans to minimise and avoid the impact on native vegetation.

By allowing time to identify and budget for possible offset requirements, the development process can be streamlined to save development costs. Some offsets are in very short supply and delays of up to 6 to 12 months may be incurred to secure a specific offset and/or negotiate with relevant government authorities. 

Our team assist with:

  • Initial project due diligence
  • Negotiation with government agencies
  • Minimisation and avoidance strategies regarding the impact on native vegetation of your proposed development
  • Identifying the most cost-effective offset scenarios
  • Assessment and costing of potential offset sites
  • Permit and licence applications.

Permit Holders with Offset Requirements

If you are a permit holder, Ecology and Heritage Partners will assist you to successfully meet all aspects of offset approval conditions in the shortest possible time, with the most cost-effective solution.

Our team facilitate smooth navigation through the regulatory environment, provide advice to minimise offset obligations, and manage all stages of the offset process including:

  • Initial project due diligence 
  • Assessment and costing of potential offset sites
  • Directly sourcing suitable offsets to establish the most cost effective outcome
  • Negotiation with relevant government agencies
  • Preparing Offset Management Plans.

Landowners and Current Credit Owners

If you are a landowner or existing credit owner we can assist you by:

  • Determining the potential value of native vegetation offsets within your property
  • Establishing on-title agreements
  • Registering offset credits for sale
  • Providing services to support and manage the site.

Our experienced team has established contacts, and the ability to identify suitable sites and rapidly facilitate offset agreements.

Managing an Offset Site

If you need advice regarding the management of an offset site, we assist with:

  • Long-term conservation outcomes for threatened species and ecological communities
  • Increased connectivity across the landscape
  • Ecosystem resilience to climate change and protect essential ecosystem services.

Being a credit owner can be extremely rewarding. If you are unsure if your property has the potential to generate offset credits, contact our offset team on 1300 839 325 for further information. 

Securing Commonwealth and State Offsets

With our extensive list of available offsets under the EPBC Act (e.g. Natural Temperate Grassland of Victorian Volcanic Plain bioregion, Striped Legless Lizard, Growling Grass Frog and Golden Sun Moth) and the Victorian Guidelines for the removal, destruction or lopping of native vegetation (the Guidelines), our service includes:

  • The assessment of project impacts to determine the offset obligations under either the EPBC Act and/or the Guidelines
  • Strategically sourcing and securing suitable sites to generate the required offsets under the EPBC Act and/or State Guidelines
  • Working with offset providers (brokers) to facilitate offset transactions between credit / offset owners and proponents.

Further Information

Download our Native Vegetation and Biodiversity Offsets Capability Statement or contact the team on 1300 839 325 to discuss your project requirements.


  • Calculation of offsets under the EPBC Act and Guidelines (Victoria)
  • EPBC Act referrals, on-title agreements, Land Management Plans and associated documentation
  • Flora, fauna and ecological community surveys
  • Identification and quantification of ecological assessment requirements
  • Monitoring, auditing and management of offset sites
  • Project planning advice to minimise offset obligations
  • Sourcing, negotiation and securing of sites to meet Commonwealth and state offset requirements
  • Vegetation / threatened species mapping and establishment of offset sites


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